

I just started a Mixed Martial Arts class today at ASU. We didn't start training, but we will begin Wednesday. Let me tell you I am terrified and I highly doubt I will make it through this semester alive. I've lived a full life. I just wish I could have made it to Jack's 2nd birthday.


Adam and Nicole said...

That's awesome! You will be able to kick everyone's butt when you are through! I desperately need to take some sort of work out class because I feel like a big bump on a log! You will survive my dear and you will be one fierce chick that no one will want to mess with!

Anonymous said...

Did you watch Enough over the weekend?.....I think you have been hanging around Tim too much.

Alisa said...

haha well I guess we all better be careful to make you mad now or you might just kill someone! Have fun this weekend at Fossil Springs.. I think we have to take a rain check til we can live B home bc I dont really see hiking him in as being fun. you understand :)

Anonymous said...

Well hello Carrie, it was nice to hear from you. Dude you could always kick my butt, but now with the MMA for sure! haha. btw your little kid has the sweetest shaggy hair ever.

Rachel said...

my long lost carrie! im so excited i found your blog. I was just thinking about you the other day too! i found pictures at my parents house of good old volleyball. your little boy is so cute. i love his hair. Matt keeps trying to get me to grow out owen's hair but im scared it wont be cute! but jacks is so cute. so im totally stalking your blog from now on and im so excited about it.

mattnalisa said...

I would have to say yes that you can mod podge cardboard boxes. I dont know for sure but honestly I think you could Mod Podge anything. It really is the best!

ConnieB said...

Sure! What would you like to know?! There's so much to tell, I thought about writing a book -"the diaries of a dog walker".. or something..(:

vinny said...

Carrie, of course I am going to post to your mma section. Look up Gina Carano online. She is the toughest chick in MMA right now and she is hot. You could be just like her all you gotta do is train like 6 hours per day, not a problem. Haha.